How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Very Large LED Screen for an Outdoor Event?

Explanation of LED screens and their importance in outdoor events

LED screens are a type of display technology that uses light-emitting diodes to produce images. They are widely used in various events, including concerts, festivals, corporate events, and sports events, due to their high resolution, brightness, and flexibility. In recent years, outdoor events have become increasingly popular, and LED screens have played a significant role in enhancing the visual experience of the attendees.

Outdoor events require large screens with high brightness levels that can withstand different weather conditions. LED screens offer a superior performance compared to other types of displays, making them ideal for outdoor events. They can sustain brightness levels throughout the day and provide a clear and sharp image even in direct sunlight. Additionally, LED screens are portable, easy to set up and disassemble, and can be customized to fit different sizes and shapes.

In this article, we’ll explore the cost of renting a very large LED screen for a long weekend outdoor event. We’ll look at the factors that affect the cost, the average prices from different providers, and provide tips for renting an LED screen for an outdoor event. We’ll also share real-life examples of the use of LED screens in outdoor events.

Factors affecting the cost of renting an LED screen

The cost of renting an LED screen for an outdoor event can vary significantly based on several factors. Here are the most significant factors that affect the rental cost:

Size of the LED screen

The size of the LED screen is one of the primary factors affecting the rental cost. Larger screens require more equipment, more setup time, and more staff to operate, which can increase the cost. The size of the LED screen is usually measured in diagonal inches, and the price increases as the size increases.

Pixel pitch and resolution

According to LED Wall Systems, pixel pitch and resolution are also essential factors that affect the rental cost. Pixel pitch refers to the distance between the pixels on the LED screen. The lower the pixel pitch, the higher the resolution and the sharper the image. However, lower pixel pitch also means more LEDs per square foot, which can increase the cost.

Brightness level and viewing distance

Outdoor events require LED screens with high brightness levels to ensure clear visibility in bright sunlight. The brightness level is measured in nits, and higher brightness levels can increase the rental cost. Additionally, the viewing distance is another factor that affects the brightness level and the rental cost. Larger viewing distances require higher brightness levels, which can increase the cost. As FunFlicks suggests, it’s important to choose an LED screen that can sustain brightness levels throughout the day.

Setup and installation costs

The setup and installation costs are also factors that affect the rental cost. Larger screens or screens that require more complex setups may require additional equipment, such as rigging or truss systems, which can increase the cost. The installation and removal time can also affect the rental cost, with longer rental periods increasing the cost. According to Avista Audio Visual Rentals, the cost of setup and installation depends on the amount of equipment needed and the complexity of the setup.

Additional equipment and services

Additional equipment and services, such as speakers, media servers, and skilled technicians can also increase the rental cost. The type and quantity of additional equipment and services can vary depending on the event’s needs, which can impact the rental cost. As mentioned in the LED Display Rental Ultimate Guide 2022 by Insane Impact, it’s important to consider additional equipment and services needed for the event and to check the contract for any additional fees.

By considering these factors, event planners can better estimate the cost of renting an LED screen for an outdoor event. In the next section, we’ll explore the average cost of renting a large LED screen for a long weekend.

Average cost of renting a large LED screen

The cost of renting an LED screen for an outdoor event can vary significantly depending on several factors. However, here are some average costs of renting a large LED screen for a long weekend:

Cost breakdown per day

According to LED Wall Systems, the cost of renting an LED screen depends on several factors, such as the size, pixel pitch, and brightness level. For example, a 10 x 16 feet LED screen with a pixel pitch of 3.9mm and a brightness level of 5,000 nits can cost around $2,500 per day. However, the cost can vary depending on the provider, the location, and the additional equipment and services needed.

Comparison of prices from different providers

Here is a comparison of prices from different LED screen rental providers:

  1. FunFlicks offers LED screen rentals for events, with various sizes available. According to their website, the cost of renting an LED screen for a long weekend can range from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the size and location. FunFlicks provides industrial quality equipment, incredible pricing power, and local, fast, and friendly service.

  2. LED Wall Systems offers LED screen panels and equipment rental options for different pixel pitches and brightness levels. According to their website, the cost of renting an LED screen for a long weekend can range from $2,500 to $7,000, depending on the size and configuration. Prices may change, and additional fees may apply.

  3. Avista Audio Visual Rentals offers AV rentals and production services on the West Coast, prioritizing transparency, prompt communication, and exceeding customer expectations. According to their website, the cost of renting an LED screen for a long weekend can range from $3,000 to $6,000, depending on the size and location. Customers can choose to pick up and return gear or have skilled technicians handle AV aspects of events.

  4. Insane Impact offers LED display rental services, focusing on providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service. According to their website, the cost of renting an LED screen for a long weekend can range from $5,000 to $8,000, depending on the size and location. The rental cost includes setup and removal, media server, and technical support.

Factors that affect the variation in prices

The variation in rental prices can depend on several factors, such as the location, the size and configuration of the LED screen, and the additional equipment and services needed. As ROE Visual suggests, it’s essential to work with a reliable provider that can provide a comprehensive quote based on the event’s needs. By comparing prices from different providers and considering the factors affecting the rental cost, event planners can make an informed decision when renting an LED

Tips for renting an LED screen for an outdoor event

Renting an LED screen for an outdoor event can be a complex process, but with the right preparation, event planners can ensure a successful event. Here are some tips to consider when renting an LED screen for an outdoor event:

Plan ahead

According to the LED Display Rental Ultimate Guide 2022 by Insane Impact, planning ahead is crucial when renting an LED screen for an outdoor event. Event planners should consider the event’s needs and the location’s requirements, such as permits, power supply, and internet connectivity. It’s also important to contact the LED screen rental provider early to ensure availability and to get a comprehensive quote based on the event’s needs.

Choose the right LED screen

Choosing the right LED screen is essential to ensure a successful event. As FunFlicks suggests, event planners should consider the size, pixel pitch, resolution, brightness level, and viewing distance when choosing an LED screen. It’s also important to consider the type of content and the environment where the LED screen will be installed to choose the right configuration.

Consider additional equipment and services

Additional equipment and services can enhance the LED screen rental experience, but they can also increase the rental cost. As Insane Impact suggests, event planners should consider the type and quantity of additional equipment and services needed, such as speakers, media servers, and skilled technicians. It’s important to communicate with the LED screen rental provider and to check the contract for any additional fees.

Test the LED screen before the event

Testing the LED screen before the event can prevent technical issues during the event. According to Avista Audio Visual Rentals, event planners should test the LED screen’s connectivity, brightness, and color before the event. It’s also important to test the additional equipment and services, such as speakers and media servers, to ensure seamless integration with the LED screen.

Work with a reliable provider

Working with a reliable LED screen rental provider is crucial to ensure a successful event. As ROE Visual suggests, event planners should choose a provider that offers high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and fast response times. It’s also important to read reviews and check the provider’s portfolio to ensure their expertise and reliability.

By considering these tips, event planners can ensure a successful and memorable outdoor event with an LED screen rental.


Renting an LED screen for an outdoor event can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and preparation, event planners can ensure a successful event that meets their needs and budget.

In this article, we discussed the factors that affect the cost of renting an LED screen, such as size, pixel pitch, brightness level, setup and installation costs, and additional equipment and services. We also provided some average costs of renting a large LED screen for a long weekend and compared prices from different LED screen rental providers.

Moreover, we provided some tips to consider when renting an LED screen for an outdoor event, such as planning ahead, choosing the right LED screen, considering additional equipment and services, testing the LED screen before the event, and working with a reliable provider.

By considering these factors and tips, event planners can make an informed decision when renting an LED screen for an outdoor event and ensure a seamless and memorable experience for their attendees.

Want to Learn More About Event Planning?

Renting an LED screen for an outdoor event is just one aspect of event planning. If you’re interested in learning more about event planning, here are some articles that you might find helpful:

  • 10 Tips for Planning a Successful Outdoor Event
  • The Ultimate Guide to Event Planning
  • Event Planning Tips: How to Plan an Event
  • How to Plan an Event: The Ultimate Guide

At MindsetRecords-AV-Rental, we provide high-quality AV rentals and production services for events, with a focus on transparency, prompt communication, and exceeding customer expectations. If you’re planning an event and need AV equipment or production services, feel free to check out our website for more information and to request a quote.

Thank you for reading!


Who offers LED screen rentals for outdoor events?

FunFlicks offers high-quality LED screen rentals for outdoor events at incredible pricing.

What factors affect the cost of renting an LED screen?

Factors such as size, pixel pitch, setup, and installation costs can affect the cost of renting an LED screen.

How much does it cost to rent a large LED screen for a long weekend?

The cost of renting a large LED screen for a long weekend varies, but it can range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more.

What additional equipment and services should I consider when renting an LED screen?

Additional equipment and services such as speakers, media servers, and skilled technicians can enhance the LED screen rental experience.

How do I choose the right LED screen for my outdoor event?

Consider factors such as size, pixel pitch, brightness level, and viewing distance when choosing an LED screen for your outdoor event.

What should I look for in an LED screen rental provider?

Look for a provider that offers high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and fast response times to ensure a successful event.